From its beginnings in 2009 as a small and humble kiwifruit packhouse located in Mount Maunganui, Mount Pack & Cool (Mpac) has evolved as a significant success story within the industry, with enviable growth built upon performance, a passion for providing growers...
Late in the evening of March 18 2020, Mpac managing director Brendon Lee was wide awake, trying to second guess the mindset of Wellington officials in whose laps the fate of his newly built packhouse business rested. As New Zealand entered covid lockdown, those...
One of the world’s largest and most sophisticated post-harvest operation, located in Tauranga, is dropping its green kiwifruit packing prices in a bid to boost the New Zealand industry once again. The 21 per cent drop has been made possible thanks to Mount Pack &...
By Zoe Hunter A $9m consent has been issued for the second stage of a coolstore and packhouse project extension expected to create about 600 jobs. The consent another “milestone” for Mount Pack & Cool’s major expansion project. The Bay of Plenty...
How one practical learner left school and has worked his way up to become Coolstore Operations Manager at Mpac. By Casey Vassallo Nik Cavill hit a point in Seventh Form where he’d dread the day ahead – so he secured himself a kiwifruit packhouse job with Mount Pack...
“By future proofing our business, growers can see that we have capacity to expand and feel confident coming on board.” Demand for kiwifruit packhouse services continues to soar and Tauranga-based Mount Pack & Cool (Mpac) is well positioned to deliver,...